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Topics in Biology
Zimmerman K.I. , M.L. Aardema . 2025. Temperature influences patterns of staggered egg hatching in the eastern treehole mosquito (Aedes triseriatus) . Journal of Vector Ecology, Volume 50 (1).
Adams S.D. , K.T. Bilyk , M.V. Ramani, G.V. Subbaraju. 2024. HISP-1 Inhibits HSV-1 Infection in Cultured Vero Cells . Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Volume 15 (4).
Schiavon L., Kevin Bilyk , et. all. 2024. Limited interspecific gene flow in the evolutionary history of the icefish genus Chionodraco . ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 81.
Bologna P.A.X. , J.J. Gaynor , S. Hoffman . 2024. Impacts Of Hurricane Sandy On Recruitment Dynamics Of The Invasive Tunicate Botryllus schlosseri . The Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, Volume 64.
Ortiz N.R., N. Sharma, T.-X. Zheng, J.J. Campanella . 2024. Characterization of nuclear microsatellites in Marchantia polymorpha (liverwort) with additional trans-specific analyses . BioTechniques.
Kelly S.R., K. Hamel , C.A. Narvaez, T.J. Armstrong, S.P. Grace, C.J. Feehan . 2024. Sea urchin Arbacia punctulata feeding preference for algal turf over kelp in a degraded kelp forest ecosystem . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Volume 571.
Butler M., A. Duran, C.J. Feehan , A. Harborne, A. Hylkema, J. Patterson, W. Sharp, A. Spadaro, Tom Wijers, S. Williams. 2024. Restoration of Herbivory on Caribbean Coral Reefs: are Fishes, Urchins, or Crabs the Solution? . Frontiers in Marine Science, Volume 11.
Feehan C.J. , K, Filbee-Dexter, M.S. Thomsen, T. Wernberg, T. Miles. 2024. Ecosystem damage by increasing tropical cyclones . Communications Earth & Environment, Volume 5.
Zorns S. , C. Sierzputowski , M. Skowron , A. Minervini , A. Lavarco , S. Ash , M. Pardillo , J.P. Keenan . 2024. Attraction is Altered via Modulation of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Without Explicit Knowledge Provisionally Accepted . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Brain Health and Clinical Neuroscience, Volume 18.
Keenan J.P. . 2024. The Science and Philosophy of the Brain and the Future of Neuroscience . Biology, Volume 13 (8).
Ash S. , N. Joodi , J.P. Keenan . 2024. The Neural Correlates of Narcissism . Handbook of the Biology and Pathology of Mental Disorders.
Chien S.-C. , C. Knoble , J.A. Krumins . 2024. Human population density and blue carbon stocks in mangroves soils . Environmental Research Letters, Volume 19 (3).
Coffey B. , C. Borgerson , P. Lal , C.J. Feehan . 2024. Co-location of Seaweed Farming with Offshore Wind Energy: A Quick Scoping Review . Frontiers in Marine Science, Volume 11.
Horowitz J.R. , L.H. Lee , S.D. Adams . 2024. Black Garlic as an Antiviral for Herpes Simplex Virus-2 in Lung Cells . Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Volume 15 (1).
Horowitz J.R. , L.H. Lee , S.D. Adams . 2024. Black Garlic as an Antiviral for Herpes Simplex Virus-2 in Lung Cells . Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Volume 15 (1).
Domínguez-Castanedo O., A.W. Thompson, R.W. Meredith , A.I. Furness. 2024. An independent origin of an annual life cycle in a North American killifish species . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
Meredith R.W. , Y. Milián-García, J. Gatesy, M.A. Russello, G. Amato. 2024. Draft assembly and annotation of the Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer) genome . BMC Genomic Data, Volume 25.
Jared P. Vigil , Matthew S. Schuler . 2024. Salt pollution reduces dissolved organic matter and cyanobacteria in experimental vernal pool communities . Science of The Total Environment.
Hsu T.-T. D. , Y.A. Caraballo , M. Wu . 2024. An Investigation of Cyanobacteria, Cyanotoxins and Environmental Variables in Selected Drinking Water Treatment Plants in New Jersey . Heliyon, Volume 10.
Aardema M.L. , K.L. Schmidt, G. Amato. 2023. Patterns of cytonuclear discordance and divergence between subspecies of the scarlet macaw (Ara macao ) in Central America . Genetica.
Aardema M.L. . 2023. Genomic analyses indicate the North American Ap-ha variant of the tick-vectored bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum was introduced from Europe . Parasites & Vectors, Volume 16.
Kruppenbacher A.-S., E. Müller, M.L. Aardema , I. Schäfer, F.D. von Loewenich . 2023. Granulocytic anaplasmosis in cats from central Europe and molecular characterization of feline Anaplasma phagocytophilum strains by ankA gene, groEL gene and multilocus sequence typing . Parasites & Vectors, Volume 16.
Hanauer D.I., Adams S. , et. all. 2023. Models of classroom assessment for course-based research experiences . Frontiers in Education, Volume 8.
Rivera-Colón A.G., N. Rayamajhi, B. Fazal Minhas, G. Madrigal, K.T. Bilyk , V. Yoon, M. Hüne, S. Gregory, C.-H. C. Cheng, J.M. Catchen. 2023. Genomics of Secondarily Temperate Adaptation in the Only Non-Antarctic Icefish . Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 40 (3).
Bilyk K.T. , X. Zhuang, C. Papetti. 2023. Positive and Relaxed Selective Pressures Have Both Strongly Influenced the Evolution of Cryonotothenioid Fishes during Their Radiation in the Freezing Southern Ocean . Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 15 (4).
Medina E.A., A.J. Alhaddad, A. Ackerman, J. Kopell, N.R. Ortiz, M.-H.T. Theodore, P.A.X. Bologna , J.J. Campanella . 2023. A trajectory of Zostera marina (eelgrass) ecosystem recovery: pre- and post-Hurricane Sandy degradation in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey . Aquatic Botany.
Campanella J.J. , P.A.X. Bologna , A.J. Alhaddad , E. Medina , A. Ackerman , J. Kopell , N.R. Ortiz , M.-H. T. Theodore . 2023. Improvement of genetic health and diversity of Zostera marina (eelgrass) in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey ten years after Hurricane Sandy: support for the “storm stimulus” hypothesis . Aquatic Botany, Volume 189.
Feehan C.J. . 2023. Seaweed Farming: Assessment on the Potential of Sustainable Upscaling for Climate, Communities and the Planet . The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Literature Review.
Gleason J.A., R. Newby, J.J. Gaynor , L.H. Lee , T. Chu, A.D. Bliese , C.W. Taylor , P. Yoon, S. DeLorenzo, D. Pranitis, J. Bella . 2023. Legionella monitoring results by water quality characteristics in a large public water system . Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 30 (12).
Keenan J.P. , G. Gainotti. 2023. Emotional Lateralization and Psychopathology: Editorial . Front. Psychiatry Sec. Psychopathology, Volume 14.
Minervini A. , A. LaVarco , S. Zorns , R. Propper , C. Suriano , J.P. Keenan . 2023. Excitatory Dorsal Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Increases Social Anxiety . Brain Sciences 2023, Volume 13 (7) pp. 989.
Christiana W., S. Tucker, A. Johnson, C. Sierzputowski, T. Zirul, J.P. Keenan . 2023. Why the Neural Correlates Matter . Self-Face Recognition and the Brain.
Ash S., D. Greenwood, J.P. Keenan . 2023. The Neural Correlates of Narcissism: Is There a Connection with Desire for Fame and Celebrity Worship? . Brain Sciences 2023, Volume 13 (10).
Lawson L. , S. Spivak , H. Webber, S. Yasin, B. Goncalves, O. Tarrio , S. Ash , M. Ferrol , A. Ibragimov , A.G. Olivares , J.P. Keenan . 2023. Alterations in Brain Activity Induced by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Their Relation to Decision Making . Biology, Volume 12 (11).
Frank N., L.H. Lee , et. all. 2023. Evaluation of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate-Palmitate (EC16) in Nasal Formulations Against Human Coronavirus . > biology and life sciences > virology.
Borrelli J.J., M.S. Schuler , W.D. Hintz, B. Mattes, C. Schermerhorn, E. Yates, L.W. Eichler, M.A. Lucius, L. Ahrens, R.A. Relyea . 2023. Considering sub-basins in the spatio-temporal dynamics of lake food webs . Aquatic Sciences, Volume 86 (8).
Corso M.D. , J.A. Smallwood . 2023. The Effect Of Local Weather Conditions On American Kestrel (Falco Sparverius) Reproduction . Journal of Raptor Research (2023).
Bird D.M., J.A. Smallwood . 2023. Evidence Of Continuing Downward Trends In American Kestrel Populations And Recommendations For Research Into Causal Factors . Journal of Raptor Research, Volume 57 (1).
Rossi A. , M. Wu , B.T. Wolde , K.W. Zerbe , T.-T. D. Hsu , A. Giudicelli, R. Da Silva. 2023. Understanding the factors affecting the quantity and composition of street litter: Implication for management practices . Heliyon, Volume 9 (3).
Caraballo Y.A. , M. Wu . 2023. Summer Phytoplankton Assemblages and Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms in Freshwaters of New Jersey . Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 30 (3) pp. 269-294.
Li B. , K. Serrano , M. Mazzaro , M. Wu , W. Wang , M. Zhu . 2023. Identification of Cyanobacteria for Harmful Algal Blooms Research Using the YOLO Framework . IEEE UEMCON 2023.
Borgerson C., M.L. Aardema , A. Monroe, J.B. Borgerson, B.N. Razafindrapaoly, B.L. Fisher. 2022. Life cycle and production potential of a traditionally eaten phloem-feeding planthopper (sakondry, Zanna tenebrosa) in Madagascar . Journal of Insects as Food and Feed.
Aardema M.L. , N.V. Bates , Q.E. Archer , F.D. von Loewenich. 2022. Demographic Expansions and the Emergence of Host Specialization in Genetically Distinct Ecotypes of the Tick-Transmitted Bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum . Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Lopatto D., C. Du , et. all. 2022. Student Attitudes Contribute to the Effectiveness of a Genomics CURE . Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education.
Filbee-Dexter K., C.J. Feehan , et. al. 2022. Leveraging the blue economy to transform marine forest restoration . Journal of Phycology.
LaVarco A. , N. Ahmad , Q. Archer , M. Pardillo , R.N. Castaneda , A. Minervini , J.P. Keenan . 2022. Self-Conscious Emotions and the Right Fronto-Temporal and Right Temporal Parietal Junction . ChemBioChem.
DePryck K., I. Wambacq , J. Keenan . 2022. Developing 21st century skills through Challenge Based Learning Building teacher’s awareness of Executive Functions in Higher Education . Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.
Shelansky T. , K. Chavarria , K. Pagano , S. Sierra , V. Martinez , N. Ahmad , J. Brenya , A. Janowska , S. Zorns , A. Straus , V. Mistretta , B. Balugas , M. Pardillo , J.P. Keenan . 2022. Employing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in a Resource Limited Environment to Establish Brain-Behavior Relationships . Journal of Visualized Experiments, Volume 183.
Yasin S. , J.P. Keenan , et. all. 2022. Self-Enhancement and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex: the Convergence of Clinical and Experimental Findings . Behavioral Neuroscience.
Stamos J.D. , L.H. Lee , C. Taylor , T. Elias , S.D. Adams . 2022. In Vitro and In Silico Analysis of the Inhibitory Activity of EGCG-Stearate against Herpes Simplex Virus-2 . Microorganisms, Volume 10 (7).
O’Hagan R. , A. Avrutis , E. Ramicevic . 2022. Functions of the tubulin code in the C. elegans nervous system . Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience.
Hébert M.-P., M.S. Schuler , et. al. 2022. Lake salinization drives consistent losses of zooplankton abundance and diversity across coordinated mesocosm experiments . Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
Ruka A.T., J.R. Johansen, J. Leps, Z.J. Loken, M. Schuler , B. Mattes, E. Yates, R.A. Relyea. 2022. Seasonal diatom community responses to development and climate change in Lake George, an oligotrophic lake in the Adirondack Mountains . Hydrobiologia.
Arnott S.E., M.S. Schuler, et. all. 2022. Widespread variation in salt tolerance within freshwater zooplankton species reduces the predictability of community-level salt tolerance . ASLO Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
Callery K.R., J.A. Smallwood , A.R. Hunt, E.R. Snyder , J.A. Heath. 2022. Seasonal trends in adult apparent survival and reproductive trade-offs reveal potential constraints to earlier nesting in a migratory bird . Oecologia.
Smallwood J.A. , T.E. Ely, C.E. Hallett. 2022. The Use, and Misuse, of the Subterminal Black Tail Band to Age Female American Kestrels . Journal of Raptor Research.
Snyder E.R., J.A. Smallwood . 2022. Reproductive Success Increases with Age in American Kestrels, Especially in Males . Journal of Raptor Research.
Narayan P.K.L., J.M. Readler, M.S. Alghamri, T.L. Brockman, R. Yan, P. Sharma, V. Snitsarev , K.J.D.A. Excoffon, A.O. Kolawole. 2022. The Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor Has a Short Half-Life in Epithelial Cells . Pathogens, Volume 11 (2).
Snitsarev V. , M. Lucas , E. Petroff , Q.C. Vega . 2022. Metal Chelators Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(2-pyridinylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine (TPEN) Interfere with Carbonic Anhydrase (CA) Activity in Wilbur-Anderson Assay (WAa) . The Faseb Journal, Volume 36 (S1).
Aardema M.L. , R. DeSalle. 2021. Can public online databases serve as a source of phenotypic information for Cannabis genetic association studies? . PLOS One.
Epstein N.R. , K. Saez , A. Polat , S.R. Davis, M.L. Aardema . 2021. The urban-adapted underground mosquito, Culex pipiens form molestus, maintains exogenously influenceable circadian rhythms . Journal of Experimental Biology.
Clark R.D., M.L. Aardema , P. Andolfatto, P.H. Barber, A. Hattori, J.A. Hoey, H.R. Montes, M.L. Pinsky. 2021. Genomic signatures of spatially divergent selection at clownfish range margins . Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences, Volume 288 (1952).
Aardema M.L. , K.I. Zimmerman . 2021. The establishment of a new autogenous line of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, from its current northern range limit in the United States . Journal of Vector Ecology, Volume 46 (1) pp. 112-115.
Borgerson C., P. Herrera²,M.L. Aardema , et. al. 2021. A nutrient-rich traditional insect for improving food security and reducing biodiversity loss in Madagascar and sub-Saharan Africa . Conservation Science and Practice.
Aardema M.L. , S.K. Olatunji , D.M. Fonseca. 2021. The Enigmatic Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) Species Complex: Phylogenetic Challenges and Opportunities From a Notoriously Tricky Mosquito Group . Annals of the Entomological Society of America.
vonHoldt B.M., M.L. Aardema , et. all. 2021. Persistence and expansion of cryptic endangered red wolf genomic ancestry along the American Gulf coast . Molecular Ecology.
Bilyk K.T. , T.L. Sformo. 2021. Varying heat tolerance among Arctic nearshore fishes . Polar Biology, Volume 44 pp. 607–612.
Medina E.A. , S. Desind , A. Hallak , A. Alhaddad , J.V. Smalley, J.J. Campanella . 2021. Examination of the M20D Auxin Conjugate Peptidase Family from Hornwort and Implications on the Evolution of the Tracheophytes . Journal of Plant Growth Regulation.
Tian T., C. Du , et. al. 2021. Large-scale reconstruction of the chromatin structures of maize temperate and tropical inbred lines . Journal of Experimental Botany.
Su H., C. Du , et. al. 2021. Identification of ZmNF-YC2 and its regulatory network in maize flowering time . Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 72 (22) pp. 7792–7807.
Brown M.S., J.S. Bowman, Y. Lin, C.J. Feehan , C.M. Moreno, N. Cassar, A. Marchetti, O.M. Schofield. 2021. Low diversity of a key phytoplankton group along the West Antarctic Peninsula . Limnology & Oceanography.
Bojorquez C., C.J. Feehan . 2021. Laboratory-simulated marine heatwave accelerates early embryonic development in the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata at its cold range edge . Invertebrate Reproduction & Development .
Pessarrodona A., C.J. Feehan , et. al. 2021. Homogenization and miniaturization of habitat structure in temperate marine forests . Global Change Biology.
Feehan C.J. , K. Filbee-Dexter, T. Wernberg. 2021. Embrace kelp forests in the coming decade . Science, Volume 373 (6557).
Halaby R. . 2021. Natural Products Induce Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization as an Anticancer Strategy . Medicines 2021, 8(11) pp. 69.
Janowska A. , B. Balugas , M. Pardillo , V. Mistretta , K. Chavarria , J. Brenya , T. Shelansky , V. Martinez , K. Pagano , N. Ahmad , S. Zorns , A. Straus , S. Sierra , J.P. Keenan . 2021. The Neurological Asymmetry of Self-Face Recognition . Preprints.
Brenya J. , K. Chavarria , A. Friest , N. Ahmad , C. Anton , L. Shaffer , K. Kapila , L. Driever , K. Weaver , C. Dial , I. Hartman , T. Infantino , F. Butler , A. Straus , B. Balugas , M. Pardillo , J. Keenan , et. al. 2021. Corticospinal Excitability During a Perspective Taking Task as Measured by TMS-induced Motor Evoked Potentials . Preprints.
Ahmad N. , S. Zorns , K. Chavarria , J. Brenya , A. Janowska , J.P. Keenan . 2021. Are We Right about the Right TPJ? A Review of Brain Stimulation and Social Cognition in the Right Temporal Parietal Junction . Symmetry, Volume 13 issue 11.
Vermeire M.-L., J. A. Krumins , et. al. 2021. Fire and herbivory drive fungal and bacterial communities through distinct above- and belowground mechanisms . Science of The Total Environment.
Chiena S.-C. , J. A. Krumins . 2021. Natural versus urban global soil organic carbon stocks: A meta-analysis . Science of The Total Environment.
Lee I.-H. , S. Passaro , S. Ozturk , W. Wang . 2021. Intelligent Fluorescence Image Analysis of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles and Protein Liquid Phase Droplets by Whole Z-stack Analysis . Research Square.
Shinde S. , L.H. Lee , T. Chu. 2021. Inhibition of Biofilm Formation by the Synergistic Action of EGCG-S and Antibiotics . Antibiotics Volume 10 (2) pp. 102.
Elias T. , L.H. Lee , M. Rossi, F. Caruso, S.D. Adams . 2021. In Vitro Analysis of the Antioxidant and Antiviral Activity of Embelin against Herpes Simplex Virus-1 . Microorganisms, Volume 9 (2).
Mohamed H., L.H. Lee , S.D. Adams . 2021. EGCG-S Impacts Oxidative Stress and Infection of Enterovirus 69 in Lung Cells . Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Volume 12 (5).
Hekkala E., R. Meredith , M. L. Aardema , et. al. 2021. Paleogenomics illuminates the evolutionary history of the extinct Holocene “horned” crocodile of Madagascar, Voay robustus . Communications Biology.
Coldsnow K.D., W.D. Hintz, M.S. Schuler , A.B. Stoler, R.A. Relyea. 2021. Calcium chloride pollution mitigates the negative effects of an invasive clam . Biological Invasions, Volume 23 (1).
Snitsarev V. , E. Petroff , D.P. Rotella . 2021. Solvatochromism of (-)-Epigallocatechin 3-O-Gallate (EGCG) Fluorescence: Dependence on Solvent Protonicity . arXiv Quantitative Biology, Biomolecules.
Hunt A.R., M. Wu , T.-T.D. Hsu , N. Roberts-Lawler, J. Miller , A. Rossi , L.H. Lee . 2021. Picking Up Where the TMDL Leaves Off: Using the Partnership Wild and Scenic River Framework for Collaborative River Restoration . Sustainability, Volume 13 (4).
Hillenbrand M. , M. Wu , S. Braeuer, W. Goessler, X. Li . 2021. Trace Element Accumulation in Two Turtle Species, Malaclemys terrapin and Chelydra serpentina, in New Jersey, USA . Biological Trace Element Research.
Topics in Chemistry & Biochemistry
Anjum S. , M. Arik , A. Patel , N. Abasali , L. Wu , A. Sarkar . 2025. Fluorinated Block Copolymer: An Important Sorbent Design Criteria for Effective PFOA Removal from Its Aqueous SolutionArticle link copied! . ACS Applied Polymer Materials.
Shenault D.M., K.C. Fabijanczuk , R. Murtada , S. Finn , L.E. Gonzalez, J. Gao , S.A. McLuckey. 2024. Gas-Phase Ion/Ion Reactions to Enable Radical-Directed Dissociation of Fatty Acid Ions: Application to Localization of Methyl Branching . .
Murray M. , H. Spinks , Y. Besen-Cassino, E. Emery, B. Johnson, E. Nunez Perez , Y. Wang, D. Lopatto, N.M. Goodey , A.R. Tuininga . 2024. Breaking barriers: female and Hispanic undergraduate students experience gains in self-confidence and tolerance for obstacles during a sustainability-centered internship program in the USA . Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.
Hernandez C. , S. Cho , C. Montero , U. Ezichi , D. Konas , N. Goodey . 2024. Abstract 1616 The Role of N189 in M. tuberculosis IGP Synthase, a Potential Tuberculosis Drug Target . Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 300 (3).
Dyson E.N. , D.F. Hagmann , C. Idrovo , J.A. Krumins , N.M. Goodey . 2024. Brownfield Topsoil Vertical Heterogeneity: Implications for Germination and Soil Microbial Functioning . ACS Omega.
Mafla C., W. Li , et. all. 2024. Application of Argon Plasma Technology for the Synthesis of Anti-Infective Copper Nanoparticles . ACS Applied Bio Materials.
Mancini K. , I. Cao, C. Ge, E. Mu, R. Zhu, V. Mathur. 2024. Investigating the role of phage mediated HGT in increasing bacterial virulence . BIOS, Volume 95 (2).
Hussain A., K. Mancini , Y. Khatib, G.D. O’Neil . 2024. Characterizing and understanding the photovoltage in n-Si/Au light-addressable electrochemical sensors . .
Mancini K.M. , Y. Khatib , L. Shahine , G.D. O’Neil . 2024. Photoelectrochemistry of Redox-Active Self-Assembled Monolayers Formed on n-Si/Au Nanoparticle Photoelectrodes . Langmuir.
Mahmood S. , J. Eberhard, C.S. Hoffman, D. Colussi, J. Gordon, W. Childers, E. Amurrio, J. Patel, M.P. Kelly, D.P. Rotella . 2024. First Demonstration of In Vivo PDE11A4 Target Engagement for Potential Treatment of Age-Related Memory Disorders . Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
Schelvis J.P.M. , Z. Chen, M.A. Messina , J. Catalano . 2024. Effect of CO binding to P450 BM3 F393 mutants on electron density distribution in the heme cofactor . Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry.
Gilleran J.A., T. Eck , J. Siekierka , D.P. Rotella , et. all. 2024. Structure–Activity Relationship of a Pyrrole Based Series of PfPKG Inhibitors as Anti-Malarials . Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 67 (4).
Acharjee M.C., B. Ledden, B. Thomas, X. He, T. Messina, J. Giurleo, D. Talaga , J. Li. 2024. Aggregation and Oligomerization Characterization of ß-Lactoglobulin Protein Using a Solid-State Nanopore Sensor . Sensors, Volume 24 (1).
Vaidya B.P. , S.E. Krisak , J.A. Krumins , N.M. Goodey . 2024. Barren to green in a single application: Revitalizing brownfield soil with simulated root exudates . Environmental Technology & Innovation Volume 36.
Ludmila T., J. Catalano , et. all. 2023. Evolution of a self-renewing, participant-centered workshop series in BMB assessment . Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2023.
Gunawardena H.P., Y. Ai, J. Gao , R.N. Zare, H. Chen. 2023. Rapid Characterization of Antibodies via Automated Flow Injection Coupled with Online Microdroplet Reactions and Native-pH Mass Spectrometry
. Analytical Chemistry.
Lange K. , K.M. Frey, T. Eck , C.A. Janson , U. Gubler , N.M. Goodey . 2023. Crystal structure of dihydrofolate reductase from the filarial nematode W. bancrofti in complex with NADPH and folate . PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Vaidya B.P. , D.F. Hagmann , J. Haramuniz, J.A. Krumins , N.M. Goodey . 2023. Artificial root exudates restore microbial functioning in a metal contaminated, barren, inactive soil . Environmental Pollution, Volume 312.
Konas D.W. , S. Cho , O.D. Thomas , M.M. Bhatti , K. Leon Hernandez , C. Moran , H. Booter , T. Candela , J. Lacap , P. McFadden , S. van den Berg , A.M. Welter , A. Peralta , C.A. Janson , J. Catalano , N.M. Goodey . 2023. Investigating the Roles of Active Site Residues in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Indole-3-glycerol Phosphate Synthase, a Potential Target for Antitubercular Agents . ACS Bio & Med Chem.
Lee, I.-H. , W. Wang . 2023. Deep-learning applications in the automated image analysis of giant unilamellar vesicles . Biophysical Journal, Volume 122 (3.1).
O’Neil G. . 2023. Light Addressable Electroanalysis with Semiconductor/Metal Junctions . ECS – The Electrochemical Society, MA2023-01.
Hernandez J.B. , Z.D. Epright , I.M.T. Rodríguez , G.D. O’Neil . 2023. Electrodeposition Parameters Dramatically Influence the Morphology, Stability, and Performance of n-Si/Pt Light-Addressable Electrochemical Sensors . ChemElectroChem.
Rotella D. . 2023. Successes in antiviral drug discovery: a tribute to Nick Meanwell . Medicinal Chemistry Research (2023).
Mahmood S., D.P. Rotella , et. all. 2023. First Optimization of Novel, Potent, Selective PDE11A4 Inhibitors for Age-Related Cognitive Decline . Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
Ramirez C.R., R. Murtada , J. Gao , B. Ruotolo. 2022. Free Radical-based Sequencing for Native Top-Down Mass Spectrometry . ChemRxiv.
Murtada R. , S. Finn , J. Gao . 2022. Development of mass spectrometric glycan characterization tags using acid-base chemistry and/or free radical chemistry . MassSpectometryReviews.
Ramírez C.R., R. Murtada , J. Gao , B.T. Ruotolo. 2022. Free Radical-Based Sequencing for Native Top-Down Mass Spectrometry (ACS Version) . Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry.
Balacco J.R. , B.P. Vaidya , D.F. Hagmann , N.M. Goodey , J.A. Krumins . 2022. Mycorrhizal Infection Can Ameliorate Abiotic Factors in Urban Soils
. Microbial Ecology.
Bhatti M. , N. Goodey , S. Cho , N. Jefferson , P. Marin . 2022. Indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (IGPS) serving as a drug target in M. tuberculosis . The Faseb Journal, Volume 36 (S1).
Ureña J., A. Knight, I.-H. Lee . 2022. Membrane Cargo Density-Dependent Interaction between Protein and Lipid Domains on the Giant Unilamellar Vesicles . Langmuir.
Ureña J. , A. Knight , I.-H. Lee . 2022. Membrane Cargo Density-Dependent Interaction between Protein and Lipid Domains on the Giant Unilamellar Vesicles . Langmuir; Volume 38 (15) pp. 4702–4712.
Kreiss T. , T. Eck , B. Hart , S. Tummalapalli , D. Rotella , J. Siekierka . 2022. A novel series of putative Brugia malayi histone demethylase inhibitors as potential anti-filarial drugs . PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Sarkar A. , R. May, Z. Valmontea, L.E. Marbella. 2022. PolarClean & dimethyl isosorbide: green matches in formulating cathode slurry . Energy Advances, Volume 1 (10).
Eck T. , M.L. de Souza , M. Delvillar , K. Ashraf , R.R.Y. Bheemanaboina , R. Chakrasali , T. Kreiss , J.J. Siekierka , D.P. Rotella , P. Bhanot , N.M. Goodey , et. al. 2022. Characterization of competitive inhibitors of P. falciparum cGMP-dependent protein kinase . Brain Sci. 2022, Volume 12(2) pp. 138.
Chedid J. , N. Jocelyn , H. Eshuis . 2021. Energies, structures, and harmonic frequencies of small water clusters from the direct random phase approximation . The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 155 (8).
Ma X., E. Feng, H. Jiang, V.M. Boulos, J. Gao , J.J. Nash, H.I. Kenttämaa. 2021. Protonated Ground-State Singlet meta-Pyridynes React from an Excited Triplet State . The Journal of Organic Chemistry.
Gindt Y.M. , G. Connolly , A.L. Vonder Haar , M. Kikhwa , J.P.M. Schelvis . 2021. Investigation of the pH-dependence of the oxidation of FAD in VcCRY-1, a member of the cryptochrome-DASH family . Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences.
Goldstein M. , N.M. Goodey . 2021. Distal Regions Regulate Dihydrofolate Reductase-Ligand Interactions . Allostery. Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 2253.
Esposito N. , D. Konas , N. Goodey . 2021. M. tuberculosis indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase: a potential new tuberculosis drug target . ChemBioChem, Volume 23 (2).
Calianese D., T. Kreiss , J. Siekierka , et. al. 2021. Phosphatidylserine-Targeting Monoclonal Antibodies Exhibit Distinct Biochemical and Cellular Effects on Anti-CD3/CD28–Stimulated T Cell IFN-γ and TNF-α Production . Journal of Immunology.
Bheemanaboina R.R. , M.L. Gonzalez , S.U. Mahmood , T. Eck , T. Kreiss , .S.O. Aylor, A. Roth, P. Lee, B.S. Pybus, D.J. Colussi, W.E. Childers, J. Gordon, J.J. Siekierka , P. Bhanot, D.P. Rotella . 2021. Discovery of Imidazole-Based Inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase . ACS Medical Chemistry Letters, Volume 12 (11).
Topics in Earth & Environmental Studies
De Palma M. , Q. Wu , Y. Dong, S. Benjamin , E. Cepin , H. Bermúdez , Z. Chen, S. Jiang, Y. Cui . 2025. Stable isotopes of black carbon and their implications to paleoclimate in the eastern Tethys during the PETM . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 663.
Mensah F.O. , C.A. Alo , D. Ophori . 2024. Hydroclimatic Trends and Streamflow Response to Recent Climate Change: An Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform and Hydrological Modeling in the Passaic River Basin, New Jersey, USA . Hydrology, Volume 11 (4).
Wang C.-C., S. Hemming, S. O’Connell, E. Carter, T. Rasbury, T. Williams, B.T. Reilly, S. Brachfeld , S. Li. 2024. Sedimentary stratigraphy and provenance off Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica) during the mid-Pleistocene transition: Implications for paleoclimate and ice dynamics . Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 325.
McCartney K.N., J.E. Hammer, T. Shea, S. Brachfeld , T. Giachetti . 2024. Evaluating the Role of Titanomagnetite in Bubble Nucleation: Novel Applications of Low Temperature Magnetic Analysis and Textural Characterization of Rhyolite Pumice and Obsidian From Glass Mountain, California . Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Volume 25 (4).
Cowan E.A., Z. Wang, S.A. Brachfeld , S.J. Hageman, K.C. Seramur, W. Forest Pearson, J. Wilson, R. Karcher, R. Hill, A. Vengosh. 2024. Role of coal ash morphology and composition in delivery and transport of trace metals in the aquatic environment . Environmental Pollution.
Dong Y. , A. Gachetti , Q. Wu , M.D. Palma , X. Hu, S. Brachfeld , Z. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Jiang, Y. Cui . 2024. Paleoenvironment reconstruction of the eastern Tethys during the pre-onset excursion preceding the PETM . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Zheng L., Y. Deng. 2024. Advancing rainwater treatment technologies for irrigation of urban agriculture: A pathway toward innovation . Science of the Total Environment.
Deng Y. , H.I. Abdel-Shafy. 2024. Barriers to Ferrate(VI) Application in Water and Wastewater Treatment . Environmental Science & Technology.
Zhang H., Y. He, M. He, Q. Yang, G. Ding, Y. Mo, Y. Deng , P. Gao. 2024. Single-atom Mn-embedded carbon nitride as highly efficient peroxymonosulfate catalyst for the harmful algal blooms control . Science of The Total Environment, Volume 119.
Cui J. , Z. Tang , Q. Lin , L. Yang , Y. Deng . 2024. Interactions of Ferrate(VI) and aquatic humic substances in water treatment . Science of The Total Environment.
Abdel-Shafy H.I., M. Mansour, M.A. El-Khateeb, Y. Deng . 2024. Integrated treatment of black wastewater using sedimentation, constructed wetland, and nanoparticles coagulation . Water Science and Technology, Volume 90.
Lin Q. , Z. Tang , Y. Deng . 2024. Acidity Matters: A Critical Yet Overlooked Role in Ferrate(VI)-Enabled Water and Wastewater TreatmentClick to copy article link . ACS ES&T Water, Volume 4.
Lin Q., Z. Tang, H.I. Abdel Shafy, Y. Deng . 2024. Ferrate(VI) Transformation of Nitrogen in Secondary Wastewater Effluent: Implications for Water and Nutrient ManagementArticle link copied! . Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
Soetan O. , M. Viteritto , Y. Qian, H. Feng . 2024. Evaluation of toxic metal pollution in freshwater surficial sediments using environmental indices and multivariate statistical approaches – A systematic review . Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management.
Qian Y., H. Feng , et. all. 2024. Toxic Metal Soil Speciation, Corn Accumulation and Health Risk Assessment in Acidic red soil Farmland in Mineral Industry Area . Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, Volume 235.
Soetan O. , J. Nie , K. Polius , H. Feng . 2024. Application of time series and multivariate statistical models for water quality assessment and pollution source apportionment in an Urban River, New Jersey, USA . Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Galster J.C. , G.C. Galster. 2024. The Spatial–Racial Patterns of U.S. Dam Removals Since 2010 . The Professional Geographer.
Gorring M.L. , R.A. Volkert, W.H. Peck. 2024. Plagioclase Megacrysts in Mesoproterozoic Amphibolites from the New Jersey Highlands, USA: Indicators of Mixed-Source Magma and Fractionation Interruption in Anorthosite-Dominated Terrains . Minerals, Volume 14 (8).
Bhushal G. , B. Wolde , P. Lal . 2024. Human-Wildlife Conflict and the Likelihood of Reporting Losses in Nepal . Trees, Forests and People.
Bhushal G. , B. Wolde , P. Lal . 2024. Human-wildlife conflict and the likelihood of reporting losses in Nepal . Trees, Forests and People, Volume 15.
Bhushal G. , B. Wolde , P. Lal . 2024. Human-wildlife conflict and the likelihood of reporting losses in Nepal . Trees, Forests and People, Volume 15.
Oluoch S. , P. Lal , A. Susaeta, M. Smith , B. Wolde . 2024. Consumer Preferences for Wood-Pellet-Based Green Pricing Programs in the Eastern United States . Energies, Volume 17 (8).
Blumberg R., E. Fowler, G. Guerrero, Y. Bai, M. Mahadevan, P. Lal . 2024. Differences in Farmers’ Market Patronage among Participants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) . Dietetics, Volume 3 (2).
Lyttek E. , P. Lal , B. Oberle, R.S. Dubey, E. Forgoston . 2024. Impact of Fraxinus snag fall on electric distribution and infrastructure stability: An empirical analysis . Ecological Economics, Volume 225.
Cortés I. , J. Lorenzo-Trueba , A. Rovai, R. Twilley, M. Chopping , T. Fatoyinbo. 2024. Net evaporation-induced mangrove area loss across low-lying Caribbean islands . Environmental Research: Climate.
Umeh O.R. , D.U. Ophori , E.M. Ibo, C.I. Eke , T.P. Oyen . 2024. Groundwater systems under siege: The silent invasion of microplastics and cock-tails worldwide☆ . Environmental Pollution.
Oghenero O.-A., E.O. Esi, G. Ovwamuedo, C.P. Onyemaechi, P. Atiti, D. Ophori . 2024. Modeling the impact of urbanization and climate change on groundwater flow pattern in Warri-Effurun area of the western Niger Delta . Journal of Tropical Resources and Sustainable Science, Volume 13 (2).
Wang Z., J. Zheng, C. Han, B. Lu, D. Yu , J. Yang, L. Han. 2024. Exploring the Potential of OpenStreetMap Data in Regional Economic Development Evaluation Modeling . Remote Sensing, Volume 16 (2).
Yu D. , S. Guo, Y. Yang, L. Fu, T. McBride, R. An. 2024. Governance Policy Evaluation in the United States during the Pandemic: Nonpharmaceutical Interventions or Else? . Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Volume 114 (3).
Han C., B. Lu, J. Zheng, D. Yu , S. Zheng. 2024. Research on multiscale OpenStreetMap in China: data quality assessment with EWM-TOPSIS and GDP modeling . Geo-spatial Information Science, Volume 27.
Fabolude G. , C. Knoble , A. Vu , D. Yu . 2024. Comprehensive lead exposure vulnerability for New Jersey: Insights from a Multi-Criteria risk assessment and community impact analysis framework . Ecological Indicators, Volume 167.
Knoble C. , G. Fabolude , A. Vu , D. Yu . 2024. From crisis to prevention: mining big data for public health insights during the flint water crisis . Discover Sustainability.
Yu, D. . 2024. Agglomeration . The Encyclopedia of Human Geography pp 1-5.
Verhagen C.M., J.-I. Jung, S.M. Tikoo, A. Wittmann, D.A. Kring, S. Brachfeld, L. Wu, D.H. Burns, S.P.S. Gulick. 2023. Significance of Secondary Fe-Oxide and Fe-Sulfide Minerals in Upper Peak Ring Suevite from the Chicxulub Impact Structure . Minerals, Volume 13 (3).
Wu Y. , Y. Cui , D. Chu, H. Song, J. Tong, J.D. Corso, A. Ridgwell. 2023. Volcanic CO2 degassing postdates thermogenic carbon emission during the end-Permian mass extinction . Science Advances, Volume 9 (7).
Zheng L. , P. Gao, Y. Song, H. Wang, Y. Deng . 2023. Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Removal in Secondary Effluent by Ferrate (VI): Performance and Mechanism . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Nie J. , S. Mirza , M. Viteritto , Y. Li, B.B. Witherell, Y. Deng , S. Yoo, H. Feng . 2023. Estimation of nutrient (N and P) fluxes into Newark Bay, USA . Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 190.
Cui J. , Y. Deng . 2023. Enhanced Coagulation coupled with Cyclic IX adsorption – ARP Regeneration for Removal of PFOA in Drinking Water Treatment . Water Environment Research, Volume 95.
Liu H., L. Yang, J. Guo, J. Yang, N. Li, J. Dai, H. Feng , N. Liu, X. Han. 2023. Contrasting Effects of Nitrogen and Organic Fertilizers on Iron Dynamics in Soil after 38–Year Fertilization Practice . Agronomy, Volume 13 (2) pp. 371.
Soetan O. , J. Nie , M. Viteritto , H. Feng . 2023. Evaluation of sediment dredging in remediating toxic metal contamination — a systematic review . Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Zhen Y., H. Feng , S. Yoo. 2023. Structuring Nutrient Yields throughout Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin Using Machine Learning Approaches . Environments, Volume 10 (9).
Galster J.C. , D. Vanderklein . 2023. The impact of Japanese knotweed on river discharge at the watershed scale in New Jersey, USA . River Research and Applications.
Galster G., J. Galster , K. Vachuska. 2023. Quantifying the Disparate Racial/Ethnic Impacts of Dam Removals . Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy.
Volkert R.A, M.L. Gorring , W.H. Peck, S.D. Stanford. 2023. Characterization and Origin of Basalt-Derived Carnelian in the Mesozoic Newark Basin, New Jersey, USA . Minerals 2023, Volume 13(10) pp. 1249.
Smith M. , P. Lal , N. Vedwan . 2023. Motivations underlying farmers’ management decisions and willingness to adopt sustainable practices: A case study of the northeastern United States . Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 103.
Nichols-O’Neill S. , J. Lorenzo-Trueba , D.J. Ciarletta , J.L. Miselis. 2023. Exploring Centennial Barrier-Inlet Evolution: Insights From Undeveloped And Developed Phases At Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey . Coastal Sediments, 2023 pp. 1403-1414.
Palermo R.V., A.D. Ashton, D. Jin, P. Hoagland, J. Lorenzo-Trueba . 2023. The Evolution Of Natural And Developed Barriers Under Accelerating Sea Levels . Coastal Sediments, 2023 pp. 77-89.
Light J.J. , S. Passchier . 2023. Eocene to Oligocene cooling and ice growth based on the geochemistry of interglacial mudstones from the East Antarctic continental shelf . Antarctic Science, Volume 35 pp. 1-13.
Nguyen T.T., J. Parron, O. Obidat, A.R. Tuininga, W. Wang. 2023. Ready or Not? A Robot-Assisted Crop Harvest Solution in Smart Agriculture Contexts . International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP) 2023.
Knoble C. , D. Yu . 2023. Environmental justice: An evolving concept in a dynamic era . Sustainable Development, Volume 31.
Yu D. , C. Fang. 2023. Urban Remote Sensing with Spatial Big Data: A Review and Renewed Perspective of Urban Studies in Recent Decades . Remote Sensing, Volume 15 (5) .
Hsu T-T. D. , D. Yu , M. Wu . 2023. Predicting Fecal Indicator Bacteria Using Spatial Stream Network Models in A Mixed-Land-Use Suburban Watershed in New Jersey, USA . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 20 (6).
Wang X., Y. Zhang, D. Yu . 2023. Exploring the Relationships between Land Surface Temperature and Its Influencing Factors Using Multisource Spatial Big Data: A Case Study in Beijing, China . Remote Sensing, Volume 15 (7) pp. 1783.
Knoble C. , D. Yu . 2023. Bridging the Gap: Analyzing the Relationship between Environmental Justice Awareness on Twitter and Socio-Environmental Factors Using Remote Sensing and Big Data . Remote Sensing, Volume 15 (23).
Mensah F.O. , C.A. Alo . 2022. Modeling monthly actual evapotranspiration: an application of geographically weighted regression technique in the Passaic River Basin . Journal of Water and Climate Change, Volume 13 (12).
Weber M.E., S. Brachfeld , et. al. 2022. Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 million years . Nature Communications, Volume 13.
Weber M.E., S. Brachfeld , et. all. 2022. Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 million years . Nature Communications, Volume 13.
Bailey I., S. Brachfeld , et. all. 2022. Episodes of early Pleistocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat recorded by Iceberg Alley sediments . Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.
Armbrecht L., S. Brachfeld , et. all. 2022. Ancient marine sediment DNA reveals diatom transition in Antarctica . Nature Communications, Volume 13.
Wang Z., E.A. Cowan, K.C. Seramur, G.S. Dwyer, J.C. Wilson, R. Karcher, S. Brachfeld , A. Vengosh. 2022. Legacy of Coal Combustion: Widespread Contamination of Lake Sediments and Implications for Chronic Risks to Aquatic Ecosystems . Environmental Science & Technology.
Dong Y. , L. Calderón Convers , S. Jiang, X. Li , P. Zhu, H. Chen, Y. Cui . 2022. Reconstruction of the early Eocene paleoclimate and paleoenvironment of the southeastern Neo-Tethys Ocean . Global and Planetary Change.
Cui J. , Y. Deng . 2022. Hydrated Electron Degradation of PFOA Laden on Ion-Exchange Resins in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter . ACS ES&T Engineering.
Albalgane A. , J. Cui , W. Song, Y. Deng . 2022. Advanced Reduction Processes for Degradation of Refractory Organics in Landfill Leachate . Journal of Environmental Engineering, Volume 148 (9).
Golwala H., Y. Deng , et. all. 2022. Advancement and Challenges in Municipal Landfill Leachate Treatment–The Path Forward! . ACS EST Water.
Sha H., S. Yan, Y. Deng , W. Song. 2022. Photosensitized Transformation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Dissolved Organic Matter Solutions under Simulated Solar Irradiation . Environmental Science & Technology.
Kolenčík M., D. Ernst, M. Komár, M. Urík, M. Šebesta, Ľ. Ďurišová, M. Bujdoš, I. Černý, J. Chlpík, M. Juriga, R. Illa, Y. Qian, H. Feng , G. Kratošová, K. Čech Barabaszová, L. Ducsay, E. Aydın. 2022. Effects of Foliar Application of ZnO Nanoparticles on Lentil Production, Stress Level and Nutritional Seed Quality under Field Conditions . Nanomaterials 2022, Volume 12 (3) pp. 310.
Fu Z., H. Feng , et. al. 2022. Phosphorus fractionation and adsorption characteristics in drinking water reservoir inlet river sediments under human disturbance . Journal of Soils and Sediments, Volume 22 (7).
Soetan O. , J. Nie , H. Feng . 2022. Preliminary environmental assessment of metal-contaminated sediment dredging in an Urban River, New Jersey, USA . Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 184.
Wieczerak T. , D. Rynerson , A. Prasad , B. Wolde , P. Lal , A. Vasishth, N.M. Goodey , A.R. Tuininga . 2022. Measuring the effect of sustainability programs on interest in STEM disciplines: a pre-post survey study of the student green team internship program . SN Social Sciences, Volume 2.
Nguyen H.T.G. , E. Lyttek , P. Lal , T. Wieczerak , T. Luong . 2022. Evaluating loblolly pine bioenergy development potential using AHP integrated weighted overlay and network optimization in Virginia, USA . Trees, Forests and People, Volume 8.
Prasad A. , P. Lal , B. Wolde , M. Zhu , B. K. Samanthula , N. Panorkou . 2022. Exploring Impacts of a STEM Day Camp on Adolescent Desire to Pursue STEM in College . Journal of STEM Research, Volume 5 (1).
Singh J.P. , P. Lal , A. Prasad , B. Wolde , P. Iranah , M. Zhu , B.K. Samanthula , N. Panorkou . 2022. Student Attitude Towards Environmental Issues Following Extracurricular Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Activities: Evidence From A Student Survey . Middle States Geographer, Volume 54 pp. 57-66.
Dong F., Z. Pang, S. Yang, Q. Lin , S. Song, C. Li, X. Ma, S. Nie. 2022. Improving Wastewater Treatment by Triboelectric-Photo/Electric Coupling Effect . ACS Nano.
Huang Y., F. Dong, G. He, Q. Lin , D. Wang, Y. Shao, S. Song, T. Zhang. 2022. Review of Ice Slurry Pigging Techniques for the Water Supply Industry: Engineering Design and Application . ACS ES&T Engineering.
Dong F., Z. Pang, Q. Lin , D. Wang, X. Ma, S. Song, S. Nie. 2022. Triboelectric nanogenerator enhanced radical generation in a photoelectric catalysis system via pulsed direct-current . Nano Energy, Volume 100.
Gonzalez-Moodie B., S. Daiek, J. Lorenzo-Trueba , A.S. Varde . 2022. Multispectral Drone Data Analysis on Coastal Dunes . 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).
Atiti P. , O. Ohwoghere-Asuma , D. Ophori . 2022. A Simulation of the Migration of a Cassava Contaminant Plume from a Processing Mill into Aquifers, Eku, Delta State, Nigeria . Environmental Earth Sciences.
Haywood A.M., J.L. Smellie, A.C. Ashworth, D.J. Cantrill, F. Florindo, M.J. Hambrey, D. Hill, C.-D. Hillenbrand, S.J. Hunter, R.D. Larter, C.H. Lear, S. Passchier , R. van de Wal. 2022. Middle Miocene to Pliocene History of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean . Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Volume 8, Chapter 10 pp. 401-463.
Hojnacki V. , A. Lepp , J.H. Castaldo , A. States , X. Li , S. Passchier . 2022. Impact of Eocene-Oligocene Antarctic glaciation on the paleoceanography of the Weddell Sea . Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.
Singhab S.K. , R.W. Taylor , B. Pradhan, A. Shirzadi, B. Thai Pham. 2022. Predicting sustainable arsenic mitigation using machine learning techniques . Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 231.
Wu X., D. Yu , Y. Zhang, D. Li, X. Wang. 2022. Low fertility spread in China: A blended adaptation and diffusion explanation . Population Space and Place.
Wang X., Y. Zhang, D. Yu , X. Wu, D. Li. 2022. Changes in Demographic Factors’ Influence on Regional Productivity Growth: Empirical Evidence from China, 2000–2010 . Sustainability, Volume 14 (7) pp. 1-19.
Yu D. , Z. Yaojun. 2022. China’s place attractivity, population mobility and its mechanisms: Perspectives from a full spectrum of spatial analyses . Population Space and Place.
Prasad A. , C. Alo . 2021. Projected Trends In Climate Extremes In The Passaic River Basin Based On Cmip5 Bias-Corrected And Spatially Downscaled General Circulation Model Simulations . Middle States Geographer, Volume 53 pp. 11-22.
Lu L., X. Zheng, Z. Chen, M. Weber, V. Peck, B. Reilly, W. Yan, T. Chen, H. Yan, X. Gong, S. Wu, L. Zheng, S. WAN, Y. Du, L. Tauxe, S. Brachfeld, T. Williams, Y. Martos, Z. Du, M. Garcia, L. Perez, J. Warnock, S.-J. Kao. 2021. Extremely Southward Migration of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current During the Last Interglacial . Research Square.
Wu Y., D. Chu, J. Tong, H. Song, J.D. Corso, P.B. Wignall, H. Song, Y. Du, Y. Cui . 2021. Six-fold increase of atmospheric pCO2 during the Permian–Triassic mass extinction . Nature Communications.
Wong T.E., Y. Cui , D.L. Royer, K. Keller. 2021. A tighter constraint on Earth-system sensitivity from long-term temperature and carbon-cycle observations . Nature Communications.
Dong Y. , Y. Cui , J. Wang, H. Chen, F. Zhang, Y. Wu , Z. Li, P. Zhu, S. Jiang. 2021. Paleozoic carbon cycle dynamics: Insights from stable carbon isotopes in marine carbonates and C3 land plants . Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 222.
Zhang H., Y. Cui , et. al. 2021. Felsic volcanism as a factor driving the end-Permian mass extinction . Science Advances, Volume 7 (47).
Deng Y. . 2021. Making Waves: Principles for the Design of Sustainable Household Water Treatment . Water Research.
Wang S., Y. Deng , B. Shao, J. Zhu, Z. Hu, X. Guan. 2021. Three Kinetic Patterns for the Oxidation of Emerging Organic Contaminants by Fe(VI): The Critical Roles of Fe(V) and Fe(IV) . Environmental Science & Technology.
Lin Q. , Y. Deng . 2021. Is Sulfate Radical a ROS? . Environmental Science & Technology.
Zhang, F., D. Wu, F. Xia, X. Zhang, X. Li, H. Huang, H. Feng , J. Zhang. 2021. Iron speciation and annual records in black coral as new proxy for mining and environmental impacts . Science of The Total Environment, Volume 776.
Oluoch S. , P. Lal , B. Wolde , A. Susaeta, J.R. Soto, M. Smith , D.C. Adams. 2021. Public Preferences for Longleaf Pine Restoration Programs in the Southeastern United States . Forest Science.
Smith M. , A. Bevacqua , S. Tembe, P. Lal . 2021. Life cycle analysis (LCA) of residential ground source heat pump systems: A comparative analysis of energy efficiency in New Jersey . Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 47.
Smith M. , P. Lal , S. Oluoch , N. Vedwan, A. Smith. 2021. Valuation of sustainable attributes of hard apple cider: A best-worst choice approach . Journal of Cleaner Production.
Oluoch S. , P. Lal , A. Bevacqua , B. Wolde . 2021. Consumer willingness to pay for community solar in New Jersey . The Electricity Journal, Volume 34 (8).
Wieczerak T. , B. Wolde , P. Lal , B. Witherell, Y. Deng . 2021. Public Perception And Willingness To Pay For Green Infrastructure Improvements In Northern New Jersey . Middle States Geographer, Volume 53 pp. 32-42.
Oluoch S. , P. Lal , A. Susaeta. 2021. Investigating factors affecting renewable energy consumption: A panel data analysis in Sub Saharan Africa . Environmental Challenges, Volume 4.
Prasad A. , P. Lal , B. Wolde , M. Smith , M. Zhu , B.K. Samanthula , N. Panorkou . 2021. Exploring the human-nature connection and the perceived risk of nature in children . Applied Environmental Education & Communication, Volume 20 (4).
Edmonds D., A.J. Chadwick, M.P. Lamb, J. Lorenzo-Trueba , B. Murray, W. Nardin, G. Salter, J.B. Shaw. 2021. Morphodynamic Modeling of River-Dominated Deltas: A Review and Future Perspectives . Earth and Space Science Open Archive.
Kolodin J. , J. Lorenzo-Trueba , P. Hoagland, D. Jin, A. Ashton. 2021. Engineered coastal berm-dune renourishment in New Jersey: can coastal communities continue to hold the line? . Anthropocene Coasts.
Miller J.T. , A.T. Vu. 2021. Emerging research methods in environmental displacement and forced migration research . Geography Compass.
Ophori D. . 2021. A 3-D Model of Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction in the Central Passaic River Basin, New Jersey. . EGU General Assembly 2021.
Passchier S. , M.A. Hansen , J. Rosenberg . 2021. Quartz grain microtextures illuminate Pliocene periglacial sand fluxes on the Antarctic continental margin . The Depositional Record.
Pope G. , J. Callanan, J. Darley , M. Flood , J. Wear , B. Calderon , M. Gorring , X. Li . 2021. The Fate of Rare Earth Elements in Post-Fire Soils in the Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania (USA) . EGU General Assembly 2021.
Singh S.K. , R.W. Taylor , V. Thadaboina. 2021. Evaluating and predicting social behavior of arsenic affected communities: Towards developing arsenic resilient society . Emerging Contaminants, Volume 8 pp. 1-8.
Dyer, A., A.C. Miller, B. Chandra, J. Galindo, C. Tran, J. Bates , V. Olivier, A.R. Tuininga . 2021. The Feasibility of Renewable Natural Gas in New Jersey . Sustainability, Volume 13 (4).
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Munakata M. , S.S. Lim , C.A. Molina . 2024. A Model for International Summer Research Experiences for STEM Students . Journal of College Science Teaching .
Panorkou N. , T. York , E. Germia . 2024. Using Debugging as a Platform for Transdisciplinary Learning . Cognition and Instruction, Volume 42 (1).
Taite G. , H. Leonard , A. Provost , N. Panorkou . 2024. Modeling the Impact of the Chernobyl Disaster . Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, Volume 117 (5).
Provost A. , N. Panorkou . 2024. Exploring Lunar Phases With the Moon Pie Simulation . Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, Volume 117 (5).
Pailetti T. , K. Moore , M. Vishnubhotla . 2024. Intellectual need, covariational reasoning, and function: Freeing the horse from the cart . The Mathematics Educator Volume 32 (1).
Bailey, N. G.¹ McCulloch, A. W.. 2023. Describing critical statistical literacy habits of mind . The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.
Bal D. , A. Frieze, P. Pralat.. 2023. Rainbow spanning trees in randomly coloured G_{k-out} . SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics.
Bal D.¹ P. Bennett.. 2023. The matching process and independent process in random regular graphs and hypergraphs . Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 30 (1).
Bal D. , L. DeBiasio. 2023. Large monochromatic components in hypergraphs with large minimum codegree . Graph Theory.
Bal D. , L. DeBiasio. 2023. Large monochromatic components in expansive hypergraphs . arXiv Mathematics Combinatorics.
Bal D. , L. DeBiasio, A. Lo. 2023. A lower bound on the multicolor size-Ramsey numbers of paths in hypergraphs . arXiv.
Bonaccorso, V. D. , Leonard, H. S. , Daniel, A. , Kim, Y. , DiNapoli, J. . 2023. Exploring changes in mathematics teacher practice from professional development rooted in the TRU framework . Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 631–640).
Corven, J., DiNapoli, J. , Johnson, K., Long, V., Olanoff, D., Tobias, J.. 2023. Mathematics curriculum recommendations for elementary teacher preparation working group: Establishing a research base . Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 659–661).
Corven, J., DiNapoli, J. , Johnson, K., Long, V., Olanoff, D., Tobias, J., Litster, K., Kang, B., Clark, D., An, T.. 2023. Working group on mathematics curriculum recommendations for elementary teacher preparation: Second report . Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 649–658).
DiNapoli, J. . 2023. Distinguishing between grit, persistence, and perseverance for learning mathematics with understanding . Education Sciences.
Greenstein S. , E. Fernandez . 2023. Learning Mathematics with Mathematical Objects: Cases of Teacher-Made Mathematical Manipulatives . Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, Volume 23(1).
Greenstein S. , B. Nita . 2023. The Harp Project: Collective Learning at the Intersection of the Mathematical and Musical Arts . PRIMUS.
Jansen, A., Center for Inquiry and Equity in Mathematics . 2023. Entangling and disentangling inquiry and equity: Voices of mathematics education professors and mathematics professors . Journal of Urban Mathematics Education.
Marshall, A. M., Sword, S., Applegate, M., Greenstein, S. , Pendleton, T., Yong, K., Wolfe, J., Chao, T., Harris, P. E.. 2023. “I Got You”: Centering identities and humanness in collaborations between mathematics educators and mathematicians . Journal of Humanistic Mathematics.
Greenstein, S. . 2023. Parents’ and caregivers’ voices in education reform . The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher.
Li A.¹ Champanerkar, G.. 2023. Interlace polynomials of snowflake graphs . Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications.
Wang, X. Li, A. . 2023. Distribution properties and applications of consecutive quadratic residues . Acata Academic Sinica, Chinese Series.
Robila V., Nita S. O., Cho J. Nita B. G. . 2023. Using mathematics to enhance music education through automatic algorithmic transformed motif identification . INTED2023 Proceedings.
Carr C. , D. Chioffi, M. Glenn, S.O. Nita, V.N. Nita , B.G. Nita . 2023. The Mathematics of the Harp: Modeling the Classical Instrument and Designing Futuristic Ones . Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Volume 13 (1).
Nita B. G. , Nita S. O., Robila V. Cho J.. 2023. Composing in Bach’s style using mathematical transformations. The UMAP Journal.
Panorkou N. , T. York , E. Germia . 2023. Using Debugging as a Platform for Transdisciplinary Learning . Cognition and Instruction, Volume 42 (1).
Panorkou, N.¹ , York, T.² Germia, E. . 2023. Using debugging as a platform for transdisciplinary learning . Cognition and Instruction.
Panorkou, N. , Germia, E. . 2023. Young students’ forms of reasoning about multiple quantities . For the Learning of Mathematics, Volume 43 (1) pp. 19-23.
Panorkou, N.¹ , York, T. , Germia, E. . 2023. Examining the “messiness” of transitions between related artifacts . Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education.
York, T.² Panorkou, N. . 2023. Shape thinking and students’ activity with simulations and tables . Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 663–671).
Paoletti T. , M. Vishnubhotla . 2023. Constructing Covariational Relationships and Distinguishing Nonlinear and Linear Relationships . Quantitative Reasoning in Mathematics and Science Education pp. 133–167.
Lan G., S. Yuan, B. Song . 2023. Threshold behavior and exponential ergodicity of an sir epidemic model: the impact of random jamming and hospital capacity . Journal of Mathematical Biology.
Bari B.D., J. Dixon, D. Kondepudi, A. Vaidya . 2023. Thermodynamics, organisms and behaviour . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 381 (2252).
Vaidya A. . 2023. A two-phase model for mucosal aggregation and clearance in the human tear film . International Workshop on Mathematics and Physical Sciences 2023.
Condegni A. , W. Wang , R. Li . 2023. A Digital Human System with Realistic Facial Expressions for Friendly Human-Machine Interaction . International Conference on Intelligent Computing 2023: Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications pp. 787–798.
Acquaviva S. , D. Bal . 2022. Full Degree Spanning Trees in Random Regular Graphs . arXiv Combinatorics.
Choi Y. . 2022. Economic Stimulus and Financial Instability: Recent Case of the U.S. Household . Journal of Risk Financial Management, Volume 15 (6) pp. 266.
Cutler, J. , Nir, J. D., Radcliffe, A. J.. 2022. Supersaturation for subgraph counts . Graphs and Combinatorics.
Ward J., J. DiNapoli , K. Monahan . 2022. Instructional Perseverance in Early-Childhood Classrooms: Supporting Children’s Development of STEM Reasoning in a Social Justice Context . Education Sciences, Volume 12 (3) pp. 159.
Corven J., J. DiNapoli , L. Willoughby, J. Hiebert. 2022. Long-Term Relationships Between Mathematics Instructional Time During Teacher Preparation and Specialized Content Knowledge . Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Volume 53 (4) pp. 277-306.
Corven, J., DiNapoli, J. , Gibbons, L., Johnson, K., Long, V., Olanoff, D., Starks, R. . 2022. Mathematics curriculum recommendations for elementary teacher preparation working group: Phase II . Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 2114-2116).
Corven, J., DiNapoli, J. , Gibbons, L., Johnson, K., Long, V., Olanoff, D., Starks, R. . 2022. Working group on mathematics curriculum recommendations for elementary teacher preparation: First report . Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 2114-2116).
Bonaccorso, V. D. , DiNapoli, J. , Murray, E. . 2022. Promoting meaningful conversations among prospective teachers . Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project.
Russell, J. L., DiNapoli, J. , Murray, E. . 2022. Documenting professional learning focused on implementing high-quality instructional materials in mathematics: The AIM-TRU learning cycle . International Journal of STEM Education.
DiNapoli, J. , Miller. E. K.. 2022. Recognizing, supporting, and improving student perseverance in mathematical problem-solving: The role of conceptual thinking scaffolds . Journal of Mathematical Behavior.
Leonard, H. S. , DiNapoli, J. , Murray, E. , Bonaccorso, V. D. . 2022. Collegial frame processes supporting mathematics teacher learning in a community of practice . In the American Educational Research Association Online Paper Repository. American Educational Research Association.
Akuom D.O. , S. Greenstein . 2022. The Nature of Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Designed Manipulatives and their Potential as Anchors for Conceptual and Pedagogical Knowledge . Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 5.
Gantt, A., Paoletti, T., Greenstein, S. . 2022. “This One is That”: A semiotic lens on quantitative reasoning . Proceedings of the 44th Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Akuom, D. , Greenstein, S. , Fernández, E. . 2022. Mathematical making in teacher preparation: Research at the intersections of knowledge, identity, pedagogy, and design . Proceedings of the 44th Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
York, T. , Greenstein, S. , Akuom, D. . 2022. Embodying covariation through collaborative instrumentation . Proceedings of the 44th Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Greenstein, S. , Akuom, D. , Pomponio, E. , Fernández, E. , Davidson, J. , Jeannotte, D., York, T. . 2022. Vignettes of research on the promise of mathematical making in teacher preparation . In F. Dilling, F. Pielsticker, & I. Witzke (Eds.) Learning Mathematics in the Context of 3D Printing: Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden.
Greenstein, S.¹ Zhang, D.. 2022. Understanding, honoring, and enabling the mathematical participation of students with disabilities through research at the intersection of special education and mathematics education . The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.
Zhang X., L. Xu, A. Li . 2022. Fault-Tolerant Secure Routing of BHₙ-Based Data Center Networks . Security and Communication Networks 2021.
Moranchel, P., Lahban, C., Li, A. . 2022. Epidemiological Models of COVID-19 Dynamics in New Jersey Counties . 2022 Hawaii University International Conference.
Munakata M. , A. Vaidya , D. Vanderklein . 2022. Interdisciplinary Lessons On Energy And Entropy . NSTA Journal of College Science Teaching.
Limbere A.M. , M. Munakata , E.J. Klein, M. Taylor. 2022. Exploring the tensions science teachers navigate as they enact their visions for science teaching: what their feedback can tell us . International Journal of Science Education .
Monahan C. , M. Munakata . 2022. The Role of Creativity in Teaching Mathematics Online . Mathematical Creativity pp 217–237.
Munakata, M. , Monahan, C., Krupa, E. , Vaidya, A. . 2022. Non-traditional assessments to match creative instruction in undergraduate mathematics courses . International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.
Taylor, M., Klein, E. J., Trabona, K., Munakata, M. . 2022. Disrupting the patriarchal binary . In N. Bond (Ed). The Power of Teacher Leaders: Their Roles, Influence, and Impact. Routledge.
Prasad, A., Lal, P., Wolde, B., Zhu, M., Samanthula, B.K., Panorkou, N. . 2022. Exploring impacts of a STEM day camp on adolescent desire to pursue STEM in college . Journal of STEM Outreach.
Camassa R., L. Ding, R.M. McLaughlin, R. Overman, R. Parker, A. Vaidya . 2022. Critical density triplets for the arrestment of a sphere falling in a sharply stratified fluid . arXiv Physics, Fluid Dynamics.
Chung B.J. , B.D. Bari, J. Dixon, D. Kondepudi, J. Pateras, A. Vaidya . 2022. On the Thermodynamics of Self-Organization in Dissipative Systems: Reflections on the Unification of Physics and Biology . Fluids, Volume 7 (4) pp. 141.
Keenan J , J. O’Meara, M. Munakata, A. Vaidya, I. Wambacq. 2022. On the Impact of the Self in a Complex Knowledge Network . International Journal of Complexity in Education, Volume 3 (2).
Ghosh, P., Pateras, J. and Vaidya, A. . 2022. Network thermodynamics-based scalable compartmental model for multi-strain epidemics . Mathematics (MDPI), Special Issue “Mathematical Methods and Models in Epidemiology”.
Conley, J., Parra, E., Vaidya, A. . 2022. A semantic guide for the climate perplexed. ETC: A review of general semantics (Institute of General Semantics).
De Bari, B., Dixon, J., Pateras, J., Rusling, J., Satterwhite-Warden, J., Vaidya, A. . 2022. A thermodynamic analysis of end-directed particle flocking in chemical systems . Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation.
Bal D. , P. Bennett, S. English, C. Macrury, P. Prałat. 2021. Zero-forcing in random regular graphs . Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 12 (1) pp. 85-116.
Bal D. , J. DeGaetani . 2021. A note on a candy sharing game . The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics, Volume 4.
Satyam V.R., A. Simpson, J. DiNapoli , X. Yao. 2021. Building a robot: Making mathematics visible in a non-formal STEM learning environment . PME-NA 42 Proceedings.
DiNapoli J. , E. Murray , D. O’Roark, J. Russell. 2021. Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice Centered on Video Cases of Mathematics Teaching . Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education Webinar.
Dinapoli J. , N. Delson, L. Van Den Einde, L. Cowan. 2021. Implementing a feedback hierarchy to support mathematical perseverance in a digital sketching application . INTED2021 Proceedings.
Leonard H. , V.D. Bonaccorso , J. DiNapoli , E. Murray . 2021. Methodological Advancements for Analyzing Teachers’ Learning in a Community of Practice . American Educational Research Association 2021 Proceedings.
DiNapoli J. , M. Amenya , L.V. D. Einde, N. Delson, E. Cowan. 2021. Simulating Remote Support for Mathematical Perseverance Through a Digital Sketching Application . Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice.
Dalzell M. , J. Dinapoli . 2021. Assessing Cognitive Demand in Innovative and Reform-Based Mathematics Textbooks . EDULEARN21 Proceedings.
Dinapoli J. , N. Delson, L. Van Den Einde, L. Cowan. 2021. Implementing a Feedback Hierarchy to Support Mathematical Perseverance in a Digital Sketching Application . INTED2021 Proceedings.
Dinapoli J. , L. Van Den Einde, N. Delson, E. Cowan. 2021. Anticipating Errors to Support Students’ Perseverance with Fraction Tasks in a Digital Sketching Application . EDULEARN21 Proceedings.
Amenya M. , A. Perkoski , R. Cane , J. Dinapoli . 2021. Affordances and Challenges of Implementing Mathematical Modeling in Secondary Classrooms: Teachers’ Perspectives . ICERI2021 Proceedings.
Dinapoli J. , M. Amenya , L. Van Den Einde, N. Delson, E. Cowan. 2021. Supporting Mathematical Perseverance Remotely Through a Digital Sketching Application . ICERI2020 Proceedings.
Greenstein S. , D. Jeannotte, E. Fernández , J. Davidson , E. Pomponio , D. Akuom . 2021. Exploring The Interwoven Discourses Associated With Learning To Teach Mathematics In A Making Context . PME-NA 42 Proceedings.
Mohamed M.M. , T. Paoletti , M. Vishnubhotla , S. Greenstein , S.S. Lim . 2021. Supporting Students’ Meanings For Quadratics: Integrating Rme, Quantitative Reasoning And Designing For Abstraction . PME-NA 42 Proceedings.
Pomponio E. , S. Greenstein , D. Akuom . 2021. Harmony And Dissonance: An Enactivist Analysis Of The Struggle For Sense Making In Problem Solving . PMENA 2021.
Akuom D.O. , S. Greenstein . 2021. Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Designed Manipulatives As Anchors For Their Pedagogical And Conceptual Knowledge . PMENA 2021.
Huang G., A. Li . 2021. Modeling Dynamics of Covid-19 Infected Population with PSO . International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data: Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data, Volume 7 pp. 75-89.
Zhang X., L. Xu, A. Li. 2021. Semantic Technologies for Security and Communication Networks . Security and Communication Networks 2021.
Hengeveld, S., Labruna, G., Li, A. . 2021. Magic squares of squares over finite fields . AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series.
Wang, X. Li, A. . 2021. Counting certain quadratic partitions of zero modulo a prime number . Open Mathematics.
Li, P., Guo, Y., Li, A. . 2021. Tail risk contagion between international financial markets during COVID-19 pandemic . International Review of Financial Analysis.
Munakata M. , A. Vaidya , C. Monahan , E. Krupa . 2021. Promoting Creativity in General Education Mathematics Courses . PRIMUS, Volume 31.
Golnabi A.H. , E. Murray , H. Su . 2021. How Precalculus Course Coordination Can Impact Students’ Academic Performance . Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Volume 21 (5).
Chioffi D., S.O. Nita, V.N. Nita, B.G. Nita . 2021. Mathematics and Music: Finding and characterizing equally tempered scales using continued fractions approximations . Parabola, Volume 57 (2).
Basu D. , N. Panorkou . 2021. Utilizing Mathematics To Examine Sea Level Rise As An Environmental And A Social Issue . PME-NA 42 Proceedings.
Panorkou N. , T. York . 2021. Designing For An Integrated Stem+C Experience . PME-NA 42 Proceedings.
Panorkou N. , E. Germia . 2021. Examining Students’ Reasoning About Multiple Quantities . PME-NA 42 Proceedings.
Panorkou N. . 2021. Exploring Students’ Dynamic Measurement Reasoning About Right Prisms and Cylinders . Cognition and Instruction.
O’Meara J., A. Vaidya . 2021. A Network Theory Approach to Curriculum Design . Entropy, Volume 23 (10) pp. 1346.
Vaidya A. . 2021. Entropy Binding: A General Semantics of Environmentalism . ETC: A Review of General Semantics, Volume 77 (3-4).
Fitzgerald K., M. Massoudi, A. Vaidya . 2021. On the Modified Least Action Principle with Dissipation . European Journal of Mechanics B (Fluids), Volume 89 pp. 301-311.
Vaidya A. . 2021. Contributions to the Teaching and Learning of Fluid Mechanics . Fluids, Volume 6 (8) pp. 296.
Topics in Physics & Astronomy
Mahapatra P., D. Chattopadhyay, A. Gupta, M. Favata , B.S. Sathyaprakash, K.G. Arun. 2025. Predictions of a simple parametric model of hierarchical black hole mergers . Physical Review D, Volume 111.
Mahapatra P., D. Chattopadhyay, A. Gupta, F. Antonini, M. Favata , B.S. Sathyaprakash, K.G. Arun. 2024. Reconstructing the genealogy of LIGO-Virgo black holes . arXiv Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena.
Bhat S.A., P. Saini, M. Favata , C. Gandevikar, C.K. Mishra, K.G. Arun. 2024. Parametrized tests of general relativity using eccentric compact binaries . arXiv General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology.
Chaudhary S.S., S. Ghosh , et. all. 2024. Low-latency gravitational wave alert products and their performance at the time of the fourth LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run . Proc Natl Acad Sci 121 (18).
Mahapatra P., M. Favata , K.G. Arun. 2023. Testing general relativity via direct measurement of black hole kicks . arXiv General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology.
Saini P., S.A. Bhat, M. Favata , K.G. Arun. 2023. Eccentricity-induced systematic error on parametrized tests of general relativity: hierarchical Bayesian inference applied to a binary black hole population . General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology.
Saini P., M. Favata, K.G. Arun. 2022. Systematic bias on parameterized tests of general relativity due to neglect of orbital eccentricity . arXiv General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology.
Mahapatra P., A. Gupta, M. Favata , K.G. Arun, B.S. Sathyaprakash. 2022. Black hole hierarchical growth efficiency and mass spectrum predictions . arXiv Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena.
Li X., K.K.H. Leung , et. al. 2022. Proton Compton Scattering from Linearly Polarized Gamma Rays . Physical Review Letters, Volume 128 (13).
Mahapatra P., A. Gupta, M. Favata , K.G. Arun, B.S. Sathyaprakash. 2021. Remnant black hole kicks and implications for hierarchical mergers . arXiv Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena.
Abbott R., M. Favata , S. Ghosh , R. M. Martin , et. all. 2021. Observation of Gravitational Waves from Two Neutron Star–Black Hole Coalescences . The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 915 L5.
Magee R., S. Ghosh , et. al. 2021. First demonstration of early warning gravitational wave alerts . arXiv, Astrophysics: High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena.
Ghosh S. , X. Liu, J. Creighton, W. Kastaun, G. Pratten, I.M. Hernandez. 2021. Rapid model comparison of equations of state from gravitational wave observation of binary neutron star coalescences . General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology.
Cavaglia M., E. Cuoco, S. Ghosh , J. Powell. 2021. Detection and Analysis of Gravitational Waves in the era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy: From Mathematical Modelling to Machine Learning . Banff International Research Station Workshop.
Tian J., V.N. Ivanovski, M. Abeykoon, R.M. Martin , S. Baranets, C. Martin, Y. Liu, Q. Du, A. Wang, S. Chen, Xiao Tong, W. Zhang, S. Bobev, V. Koteski, C. Petrovic. 2021. Absence of long-range magnetic order in Fe1−δTe2 (δ≈ 0.1) crystals . Physical Review B, Volume 104 (22).
Topics in the School of Computing
Agrawal T., G.S. Walia, V.K. Anu . 2024. Development of a Software Design Error Taxonomy: A Systematic Literature Review . SN Computer Science, Volume 5.
Vafaie S. , D. Bal , M. A.S. Thorne, E. Forgoston . 2024. Exploring the Dynamics of Lotka-Volterra Systems: Efficiency, Extinction Order, and Predictive Machine Learning . arXiv Quantitative Biology, Populations and Evolution.
Zhornyak L., M.A. Hsieh, E. Forgoston . 2024. Inferring bifurcation diagrams with transformers . Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Volume 34 (5).
Douglass E., K.G. Herbert , V. Anu , T.J. Marlowe, S. Hagiwara. 2024. Solar Weather, Simulation, and AI in Middle School: Developing a Case Study . SIGCSE 2024.
Liu H. , A. Soroush, J.G. Nestor, E. Park, B. Idnay, Y. Fang, J. Pan, S. Liao, M. Bernard, Y. Peng, C. Weng. 2024. Retrieval augmented scientific claim verification . JAMIA Open.
Lee P., A.C. Trujillo , D.C. Plancarte , O.E. Ojo, X. Liu , I. Shode, Y. Zhao , J. Peng , A. Feldman . 2024. MEDs for PETs: Multilingual Euphemism Disambiguation for Potentially Euphemistic Terms . arXiv Computation and Language.
Jenq J. . 2024. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education . Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 22 (7).
Saxena A. , S.A. Robila . 2024. Automated machine learning for analysis and prediction of vehicle crashes . The International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT), Volume 12 (1) pp. 46-53.
Handiru V.S., E.S. Suviseshamuthu, S. Saleh, H. Su , G.H. Yue, D. Allexandre. 2024. Identifying neural correlates of balance impairment in traumatic brain injury using partial least squares correlation analysis . Journal of Neural Engineering.
Su H. , L. Chen. 2024. Empirical-Likelihood-Based Inference for Partially Linear Models . Mathematics, Volume 12 (1) pp. 162.
Engel-Haber E., A. Bheemreddy, M. Bugrahan Bayram, M. Ravi, F. Zhang, H. Su , S. Kirshblum, G.F. Forrest. 2024. Neuromodulation in Spinal Cord Injury Using Transcutaneous Spinal Stimulation—Mapping for a Blood Pressure Response: A Case Series . Neurotrauma Reports, Volume 5 (1).
Li X., B. Cheng, J. Fan, Y. Wang, D. Wang . 2024. On Completely Edge-Independent Spanning Trees in Locally Twisted Cubes . arXiv Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing.
Shakor M.Y., M.I. Khaleel, M. Safran, S. Alfarhood, M. Zhu . 2024. Dynamic AES Encryption and Blockchain Key Management: A Novel Solution for Cloud Data Security . IEEE Access.
Antoniou G.E. , C.A. Coutras . 2023. 5D IIR and All-Pole Lattice Digital Filters . 2023 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS).
Reyes A. , V. Anu . 2023. The Offshore Power Portal: A Web-Based Repository to Improve Offshore Wind Knowledge Dissemination . IEEE Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC) Proceedings.
Patel D. , H. Patel , K.Z. Sultana , V. Anu . 2023. Programmer Cognition Failures as the Root Cause of Software Vulnerabilities: A Preliminary Review . IEEE Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC) Proceedings.
Bal D. , P. Bennett . 2023. Larger matchings and independent sets in regular uniform hypergraphs of high girth . arXiv Mathematics > Combinatorics.
Wang K., B. Dong , J. Ma. 2023. Testing Computational Assessment of Idea Novelty in Crowdsourcing . Creativity Research Journal .
Forgoston E. , et al.. 2023. Stability and Fluctuations in Complex Ecological Systems . arXiv Quantitative Biology, Populations and Evolution.
Li X., J. Zhou, X. Wei, D. Li , Z. Qian, J. Wu, X. Qin, S. Lu. 2023. Topology-Aware Scheduling Framework for Microservice Applications in Cloud . IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
Rodano J., O. Obidat, J. Parron, R. Li, M. Zhu, W. Wang. 2023. Teaching Humanoid Robots to Assist Humans for Collaborative Tasks . International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP) 2023.
Cumberbatch I. , J. Olatunji , S.A. Robila . 2023. Using Extended Reality Technology in Science Education . 2023 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT).
Cumberbatch I. , S.A. Robila . 2023. An extended reality environment for urban area environmental data analysis . Proceedings Volume 12525, Geospatial Informatics XIII.
Sundarapandi G.P. , S. Bokhary , B.K. Samanthula , B. Dong . 2023. A Probabilistic Approach for Secure and Verifiable Computation of kNN Queries in Cloud . 2023 IEEE Cloud Summit.
Nayak S.C., B.K. Samanthula , V. Tiwari. 2023. Investigating Drone Data Recovery Beyond the Obvious Using Digital Forensics . 2023 IEEE 14th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON).
Cao H., B. Song , Y. Zhou . 2023. Treatment strategies for the latent tuberculosis infections . Journal of Mathematical Biology, Volume 86.
Anu V. , S. Hagiwara, K. Herbert , K.Z. Sultana , M. Shin, R. Goldstein, P. Virella. 2023. Teachers’ Perception and Experiences of Computer Science Education in K-8 Schools . IEEE Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC) Proceedings.
Sultana K.Z.¹,V. Anu , T.-Y. Chong . 2023. Using software metrics for predicting vulnerable classes in java and python based systems . Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective .
Codabux Z., K.Z. Sultana , M. N.-U.-R. Chowdhury. 2023. A catalog of metrics at source code level for vulnerability prediction: A systematic mapping study . Software Evolution and Process.
Varde A.S. , D. Karthikeyan , W. Wang . 2023. Facilitating COVID recognition from X-rays with computer vision models and transfer learning . Multimedia Tools and Applications.
Liang J., F. He, D. Wang , Q. Li. 2023. On the Reconstruction of a Quality Virtual Backbone in a Wireless Sensor Network with Faulty Links . IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
Li M., S. Zhou, D. Wang , G. Chen. 2023. Missing link prediction using path and community information . Computing.
Hannum C. , R. Li , W. Wang . 2023. A Trust-Assist Framework for Human–Robot Co-Carry Tasks . Robotics, Volume 12 (2) .
Parron J. , T.T. Nguyen , W. Wang . 2023. Development of A Multimodal Trust Database in Human-Robot Collaborative Contexts . IEEE UEMCON 2023.
Welling W.S., Y. Sheng, M.M. Zhu . 2023. CUDA-aware MPI implementation of Gibbs sampling for an IRT model . Cluster Computing 2023.
Dave D., V. Anu , A.S. Varde . 2022. Automating the Classification of Requirements Data . 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).
Syed S., V. Anu . 2022. Digital Evidence Data Collection: Cloud Challenges . 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).
Fernandez N., V. Anu . 2022. Text Mining Algorithms for Cancer Diagnostics . 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).
Fernandez N. , V. Anu . 2022. Studying-Alive: A Holistic Wellness Application for College Students . 2022 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS).
Dave D. , V. Anu . 2022. Identifying Functional and Non-functional Software Requirements From User App Reviews . 2022 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS).
Khanneh S. , V. Anu . 2022. Security Requirements Prioritization Techniques: A Survey and Classification Framework . MDPI Software, Volume 4 (1).
Wang K., B. Dong . 2022. Finding and Testing Diverse Stimuli for Enhancing Creative Ideation . Academy of Management Proceedings.
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Razniewski S., N. Tandon, A.S. Varde . 2021. Information to Wisdom: Commonsense Knowledge Extraction and Compilation . WSDM ’21: Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining.
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