Aerial shot of Montclair State University's campus.

University Leadership

Board of Trustees

Voting Members

Mr. Anthony Abrantes
Ms. Mary Comito, Secretary
Dr. Francis M. Cuss
Mr. Jean Marc De Grandpre
Dr. Tracy Higgins
Mr. Sreeni Kutam, Vice Chair
Mr. Jean Marc de Grandpre
Mr. Preston D. Pinkett III
Ms. Sheila Rostiac
Mr. Kent Sluyter, Chair
Mr. Artem Beliavski, Student
Mr. Quentin Ocampo, Student

Non-voting Members

Dr. Jonathan Koppell, President

Faculty Representative

Dr. Mary English

Trustee Emeritus

Mr. George J. Hiltzik

Officers of the University

Jonathan GS Koppell

Joseph A. Brennan
Vice President for Communications and Marketing

Althea Broomfield-Michel
University Counsel

David Michael Chun
Chief Information Officer

Shawn M. Connolly
Vice President for University Facilities

Benjamin Durant
Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration

Meredith Gatzke
Chief Human Resources Officer

Junius Gonzales
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Wendy Lin-Cook
Vice President for Enrollment Management

Adam Rathbun
Vice President for Finance and Treasury

Dawn Meza Soufleris
Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life

Rita Walters
Vice President for Development and Alumni Engagement

Academic Deans

Amy Aiello, PhD
Interim Dean, College for Community Health

Vincent C. Alfonso, PhD
Dean, College for Education and Engaged Learning

Theodorea Berry, PhD
Dean, Bloomfield College of Montclair State University

Lora Billings, PhD
Dean, College of Science and Mathematics

Stefanie Brachfeld, PhD
Acting Dean, The Graduate School

Margaree Coleman-Carter, PhD
Dean of Students

Daniel A. Gurskis, MFA
Dean, College of the Arts

Kimberly Hollister, PhD
Dean, School of Business

Peter Kingstone, PhD
Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Denise O’Shea, MLS
Interim Dean, Library Services

Janice Smolowitz, DNP, EdD, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, DCC
Dean, School of Nursing