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Elizabeth Erwin

Professor, Teaching and Learning, College for Education and Engaged Learning

University Hall 3163
BS, Syracuse University
MA, Teachers College, Columbia University
EdD, Teachers College, Columbia University
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Dr. Elizabeth Joy Erwin is Professor at Montclair State University in the Department of Teaching and Learning where she prepares graduate and doctoral students to think critically, reflect deeply and teach inclusively. Over the past 30 years, her academic career has reflected a solid commitment to equity, innovation, and excellence for young children with disabilities and their families. Early work in this area was shaped by answering questions about “why” inclusive education matters, but has shifted over the years to focus on “how” to promote inclusive, just, and mindful school communities for young learners across a range of human variation.

Dr. Erwin's work continues to be firmly grounded in a social action framework, aimed at transforming limiting beliefs, exclusionary practices and systemic injustices - locally, nationally, and globally. Current themes that spark Dr. Erwin's interest in new projects as well as those currently in varying stages of development are: Inclusive Communities/Inclusive Teaching, Well-Being/Mindfulness, and Innovations in Research/Reflective Inquiry.

As the author of multiple books and chapters, Dr. Erwin is also published widely in prestigious academic journals. Her latest book "The Power of Presence" focuses on mindfulness practices and early childhood education from a social action lens about partnering with children to promote justice in the world and peace within. Across the United Stated and internationally, Dr. Erwin continues to speak regularly at professional conferences, meetings, and summits. Elizabeth currently lives in New York City where she practices yoga and meditation every day.


- Innovative initiatives in early childhood education and care
- Inclusive teaching and learning in schools
- Critical thinking and reflective inquiry
- Well-being in body and mind
- Mindfulness and contemplative practices in education
- Qualitative and action research including meta-synthesis research
- Children's voices and self-determination focusing on young learners with disabilities
- International collaborations and projects to advance inclusive education
- Family-professional partnerships
- Place-based inquiry and pedagogy



Research Projects

The Path of Mindfulness: An Educational and Cultural Immersion in Bali Summer 2025

The Path of Mindfulness: An Educational and Cultural Immersion is an extraordinary travel experience in Bali, Indonesia to spark curiosity and inquiry into well-being among educators, wellness practitioners, therapists, school leaders and all those ready to awaken a deeper sense of reflection and imagination. Expanding upon the success of the past 2 years, Elizabeth has led groups of educators here to gain an insiders’ perspective of Balinese culture where sustainability and living in harmony with the land and one another is a valued part of daily life at home, school and community. Now even more affordable and accessible than ever before, experience sacred landscapes, exquisite natural beauty, indigenous knowledge, and the heart-centered smiles that Bali is known for.

Early bird pricing is only available until Jan 31st although space is limited and expected to fill up quickly.

Erwin, E. J. (2020). The Power of Presence: A Guide to Mindfulness Practices in Early Childhood. Lewisville, NC: Gryphon House, Inc.

Latest book "The Power of Presence" on partnering with children to promote justice in the world and peace within.

Available from local or favorite book sellers, Amazon, or Gryphon House (leading and award winning publisher in early childhood)

International Interdisciplinary Immersion: Reggio Emilia Italy 2025

Following the first incredible international interdisciplinary immersion last year in Reggio Emilia, this second year will also involve both study in Italy as well as an online university course on the highly respected Reggio Emilia educational approach. This interdisciplinary initiative is co-taught with Dr. Gina Miele, World Languages and Cultures. Travel to Italy occurs in March to attend the 2025 Students-Professors Study Group. Our cohort for 2025 is now full and represents Montclair State University students across 2 colleges and multiple departments.

The Reggio Emilia educational philosophy is known worldwide for its inclusive and progressive approach for very young and school-aged children and has wide application to older students too. The Reggio Emilia Approach® reflects an inclusive educational philosophy and pedagogy that acknowledges the environment as teacher and shows deep respect for children as co-contributors to their own learning through purposeful research investigations. The application of this philosophy involves in-depth inquiry-based learning and an emergent curriculum which allows educators and children to co-construct knowledge about the world in which they live.